TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - If my math is right, that's about a 0.6% difference
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Subject If my math is right, that's about a 0.6% difference
Posted by black300zx on February 22, 2022 at 2:59 PM
  This message has been viewed 228 times.
In Reply To Don't currently have the log in front of me but about 4 kph posted by Barry (NJ) on February 22, 2022 at 01:45 PM
Message If it was a sensor tooth count difference, you'd need something like the following:
1000 teeth front/10006 teeth rear
500 teeth front/503 teeth rear

For a 46 tooth sensor, one additional tooth would be 2.2%, 3 or 4x the difference you're seeing. I'd be surprised if ABS sensors were designed with tooth counts that close.

The difference in your stated tire diameters (25.6 and 25.7") is about 0.4% which is pretty close to the difference in kph you're seeing. Are you sure you have the parameters entered correctly? Are you sure you didn't swap diameters front and back in software? Did you measure diameters with the tires inflated similarly?

I have zero familiarity with traction control, but it seems like tire wear alone could cause 0.5% variation in the front-to-rear measured speeds, let alone difference in working diameters as the tire heats up and cools down. I don't think you'll ever have them perfectly matching.

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