TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Engine out repaint benefits other than painting engine bay?
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Subject Engine out repaint benefits other than painting engine bay?
Posted by beanz on January 17, 2022 at 11:19 AM
  This message has been viewed 342 times.
Message Still kicking around ideas about a project, including logistics.

Are there benefits to doing an engine out repaint other than being able to paint the engine bay? What I am thinking is that if I'm going to be doing a ton of work on the car, it probably makes sense to leave paint/body until after all the mechanical work is complete, so that I don't run the risk of screwing up a brand new paint job swinging around parts and tools, or even just leaning against stuff like fenders (even with protective covers) dealing with assembly. I would be repainting with the factory color and though I want it to look really nice, it's not going to be a show car, so I don't have any desire or need to do a frame up repaint sort of deal. I would think giving the bay a good clean while the motor was out would be enough to satisfy me.

But, before I decide to do paint/body last, I want to make sure there's not something I'm not realizing about why that'd be a bad decision.

Thanks for any thoughts.

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