TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - The Z1 12.75" 2 piece brembo are decent weight savings.
The Z1 12.75" 2 piece brembo are decent weight savings.
Posted by
on January 04, 2021 at 4:52 PM
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In Reply To
Re: I sell kits which are bolt on ready for Z32.
posted by .z
on January 04, 2021 at 12:15 PM
Lighter than z32 OEM size, IIRC. Much cheaper than the stoptechs too.
Follow Ups
Z1 12.75 brake upgrade
09:59:54 01/04/21
Re: Z1 12.75 brake upgrade
10:04:29 01/04/21
Re: Z1 12.75 brake upgrade
10:04:38 01/04/21
What is your wheel width and offset? Telling us 17" doesn't
Bernie (NoVA)
11:01:13 01/04/21
Re: What is your wheel width and offset? Telling us 17" doesn't
11:53:42 01/04/21
The bigger caliper & pad really help make the rotor upgrade
Bernie (NoVA)
11:58:04 01/04/21
Re: The bigger caliper & pad really help make the rotor upgrade
12:02:16 01/04/21
I sell kits which are bolt on ready for Z32.
Bernie (NoVA)
12:08:00 01/04/21
Re: I sell kits which are bolt on ready for Z32.
12:15:24 01/04/21
2 piece rotors are available from StopTech for the Z33
Bernie (NoVA)
12:24:23 01/04/21
Bernie is a preferred vendor here FYI.
13:27:33 01/04/21
Re: Bernie is a preferred vendor here FYI.
15:24:06 01/04/21
The Z1 12.75" 2 piece brembo are decent weight savings. -
16:52:10 01/04/21
I have a set of brand new Stoptech Z33 rotors I am not using
07:00:32 01/05/21
Nice. (n/m)
Bernie (NoVA)
08:18:32 01/05/21
Re: I sell kits which are bolt on ready for Z32.
12:16:40 01/04/21
Also a +45 on the front can use a 10mm spacer.
Bernie (NoVA)
12:03:31 01/04/21
Re: Z1 12.75 brake upgrade
09:15:29 01/05/21
Re: Z1 12.75 brake upgrade
14:57:48 01/05/21
Running 12.5" rotor on RPF-1 17X9
22:05:40 01/05/21
I built a 340mm kit to fit under 17s
09:56:35 01/08/21
yes, still impressed that you built that
11:16:19 01/08/21
I'll have to see if I can track down an RPF1 to mount.
23:10:49 01/08/21
I have Enkei RPF1 17x9.5 +38 but
10:59:01 01/12/21
I haven't been up your way in a while
22:58:23 01/14/21
Understood. Good luck with the rebuild.
19:18:04 01/18/21
Carefull with the standard discs...I had issues->
20:30:58 01/06/21
What do you mean by "standard" vs. "bolt on" ?
04:18:51 01/07/21
Standard = 1 piece rotor from Z1, they offer 2 styles
12:53:46 01/07/21
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