TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Most of the 200TW tires are REALLY loud
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Subject Most of the 200TW tires are REALLY loud
Posted by BlackholeZ on September 02, 2020 at 3:44 PM
  This message has been viewed 215 times.
In Reply To Thanks everyone - great advice. posted by CameronSF on September 02, 2020 at 02:46 PM
Message I'd forget and think I had a wheel bearing problem when I mounted them.

I've got friends that run them, and I'll probably end up switching to them myself, but we're talking weekend canyon/track cars. Not cruisers. The current crop of 200s have amazing life, but street driving heat cycles them out before they're worn out. They're still sticky and fun, but not nearly as much as when they were new.
Also most of them have MASSIVELY stiff sidewalls. For street driving with rough roads and highway joints and stuff they're really not comfortable.

A lot of people run a 200 and enjoy it, but ultimately go back to tires like the PS4S for street driving because they're just better for the street.


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