TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - The concept is appreciated
People Seeking Info

Subject The concept is appreciated
Posted by ZiNnYc on April 24, 2020 at 12:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 721 times.
In Reply To 300zx Tail lights modernized posted by NAVZ on April 24, 2020 at 12:09 AM
Message but the exceptional lack of attention to detail throughout this cars execution is what makes the lights, and the rest, look terrible.

1) this has been attempted before. if you are being serious about creating lED lights, imo they should look like this.

A few things that are concerning that would make anyone (rightfully so) be hesitant to buy a product from you that in of itself requires quite a bit of attention to detail:

2) you have red paint overspray on your license plate
3) your rear diffuser is out of place and uneven
4) the bondo all over the car was not decked properly, and when painted over, resulted in the waves you see all over the bumper, sideskirts, and front/rear flares

Normally these are all simple mistakes that we could expect from someone new to the Z world, but you did preface this by saying you've been around for 15+ years.

Good luck

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