TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I refrain form the type of hubris that I know better than a
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Subject I refrain form the type of hubris that I know better than a
Posted by LJZTT on April 16, 2020 at 1:50 PM
  This message has been viewed 98 times.
In Reply To Re: after having a conversation with a Shell scientist in posted by JggyZX on April 03, 2020 at 06:54 PM
Message department of japanese engineers who recommended 10w-30 for the engine they designed.
Engine lubricant recommendations aren't made on a whim.
Engine internals are not designed with the tightest of tolerances and then the engine lubricant recommendation is based on "yeah, that'll probably be ok, use that oil".

Yes the recommendation is meant to cover the broadest swath of use case conditions (ambient climate/driving habits). And yes going beyond those assumptions makes a case for other-than-recommended lube wieght. HOWEVER 99.99% of these cars, and that includes everyone here, fall well within the assumptions the recommendations are based on. These cars are built in Japan (cold) knowing full well that their largest market in the USA (hot). I don't need to see internal Nissan engineering documentation to assume that 1989 Nissan did their homework with something as elementary as recommending the optimal engine lubricant for their own engine.

What goes on in all these stupid oil threads is the same tired little game of I-use-a-more-obscure-oil-than-you-look-how-clever-I-am.
The game is simple:
I open the game by telling the internet about how I use something other than what the manufacturer recommended. Extra points for the more people who are unfamiliar with whatever brand, and points for however many people need to ask why the choice in weight.
If your opening play elicits no why?'s or I-never-heard-of-that-brand, then you are playing the game poorly.

It is nothing more than ego-stroking.
I prefer traditional masturbation myself, at least there are hot chicks involved as opposed to unshowered internet dwellers.

30 years ago...or now?

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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