TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Sup. Had to come crawling back because I forgot...
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Subject Sup. Had to come crawling back because I forgot...
Posted by zgene4 on April 07, 2020 at 12:21 PM
  This message has been viewed 473 times.
Message what oil I run in the Z! Scrolled through a few pages to see who's still around and I recognize several names, but there are a lot of new ones too. That's good.

I'm not as limber in my older years and working on my cars is a lot harder. Turns out changing the oil is a much bigger pain in the ass than it used to be. If I could snap my fingers and put this car up on ni[X]it blocks... that would put the cherry on this global pandemic free time.

Hope everyone is healthy and still driving a Z

"You are an idiot." - ni[x]it (n/m)

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