TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - well it's a starting point for sure
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Subject well it's a starting point for sure
Posted by LJZTT on April 04, 2020 at 6:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 142 times.
In Reply To Zero Hedge is the truth... posted by ForceFedTT on April 04, 2020 at 04:45 PM
Message Keep in mind it is an AGGREGATOR and the relatively few native articles it produces, which it has done a lot more of this year, written under pseudonym, are likely written by more than one person....i think I have seen Tyler Durden even state so in years past.

With that said I have found that Zerohedge was WAY WAY ahead of this and only now are things writers there were covering months ago being discussed and admitted as true or probable, begrudgingly. The contributors were way ahead of this whole russia collusion lie, the ukraine lie, and all the insignificant lies in between, covington kids was absolutely apalling, just about every lie for the past several years...and the thing is these lies are typically so egregiously poorly crafted that it amazes me the bravado of those crafting them and then the media outlets who willingly propagate them. I mean the absolute level of cynicism and contempt you would have to have for the public in general in order to expect to get away with some of these lies that gets repeated endlessly is really incredible. The Syria lie is absolutely criminal.

Watch the documentary "The Veto", journalists made an effort to expose the absolutely amateur-level scams that were run on CNN and others, concerning the "Syria crisis". It is amazing how sloppy these people can be and still either sucker these stupid lazy journalists or gain their complicity in the hoax. It didn't really shock me too much, I had been in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya after all. But many will find it hard to believe what these journalists are putting in front of your eyes.

The reality is that all these media outlets that earned the public trust decades ago have completely squandered it LONG ago, anyone who still pays them ANY attention after 2016 is simply not very bright or observant. These outlets employ primarily the stupidest and laziest people in the journalism sector, these are the only people who are willing to work for incompetent, politically-conflicted, bosses who have priorities higher than professional integrity. These are the only people who will work there because in their view, having whatever brand in their resume gives them credibility, because they couldn't earn it otherwise, they are lazy and working for insert-corporate-media-outlet-here is their shortcut to relevance and self-importance. Intelligent, professionals with integrity realize that they do not need a corporate resume to reach an audience and establish trust. The internet makes it possible for anyone to do that. So why compromise yourself if you don't have to? They aren't called "press-titutes" for nothing, it is an absolutely fitting label.
Why do people keep going back to proven liars for information needed to base decisions on?

As for twitter thought policing
If people can't see it for what it is, and they don't even try to hide it, then these are willfully ignorant people.
Watch the Joe Rogan podcast with Tim Poole and Jack Dorsey, where Jack literally depends on his ivy-league or stanford-trained handler/propagandist to fend off Tim Poole's obvious criticisms with typical silver tongued corporate-speak. It is eye-opening. These tech CEOs are mostly feckless twats, who to their credit had a great tech idea that panned out at the right time. I have met a couple who aren't famous. Expected to be impressed. I wasn't. Wizard of Oz times we are living in folks.

30 years ago...or now?

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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