TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - LMAO I know right? Why are east asians yellow anyway?
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Subject LMAO I know right? Why are east asians yellow anyway?
Posted by LJZTT on April 04, 2020 at 2:57 PM
  This message has been viewed 137 times.
In Reply To Sweet. We can use "Yellow" again? (n/m) posted by pa300 on April 04, 2020 at 02:14 PM
Message This is a term black Caribbeans use to malign other black caribbeans whose skin color isn't black enough. My favorite reggae performer is Yellowman. He's an albino Jamaican.

Why it is used to malign east asians is beyond me. Why oriental is racist is beyond me. Just goes to show the absolute intellectual and logical bankruptcy of the people who push this thought policing.
"Person of color" = dignified
"Colored person"= RACIST!!!

Maybe the next newspeak edition will have an appendix to clear all this up?

30 years ago...or now?

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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