TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - well...
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Subject well...
Posted by LJZTT on April 04, 2020 at 1:53 PM
  This message has been viewed 187 times.
In Reply To You've gone too far down the rabbit hole. posted by Tanley (ATL) on April 03, 2020 at 10:22 PM
Message It appears you are one of way too many who STILL put your trust in people who can't seem to do anything to dissuade you from trusting them to inform you. THINK for yourself. EDUCATE yourself. It isn't hard at all. The internet puts all the knowledge you need at your disposal. You simply have to learn how to sift through it. Once you learn to think logically you can easily sort out what is worth paying attention to from what isn't.

Imagine the information you have access to if you could read chinese.

1- I didn't assume anything, I gave a best and worst case scenarios of the obvious, based on what is known. What I DID assume is possibly one of the safest of assumptions since I assumed the only dog living in my house is the perpetrator of the dog shit on my kitchen floor, the assumption that China's government HAS a bioweapon program and since it does, the study of extremely virulent diseases as well as extremely fatal diseases are obviously going to be part of that. What else do you think it is that such a program would research? You simply have a completely flawed and misinformed view of the Chinese government and how government programs (nefarious or benevolent) work, if you believe the CCP would permit this type of research to be done, even if done by researchers with noble intentions individually, without falling under the purview and/or direction of the CCP to meet their objectives. They simply are not going to let a bunch of researchers operate in a state of the art lab on things that have bioweapon applicability and not take advantage of that, which means any ethical boundaries that what you and I would consider "reasonable" are so far flung out the window, they aren't even the slightest consideration in China. CHINA DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK. You can't even manufacture nuts and bolts in China without the government taking your work, research, and IP for the CCP's purposes. That is a simple reality that you either understand and accept or you don't. China does not play by western "ethical" rules, they could not give less of a shit, and frankly neither does anyone else outside of Europe and North America when it comes to any issue which they have the means to transgress our sense of "ethics". Maybe you should concede that you have no idea how government programs (bio-weapon or otherwise) work. The chinese system is not going to be too radically different from the american one, they have modeled everything they do after western institutions....if not ripped them off completely.

2- AGAIN no one said it has to be a bioweapon, stop jumping to conclusions and read what was actually stated. At best this is a bio-Chernobyl, at worst this is a deliberate release of something nasty to achieve political ends of the CCP. If you have an issue with your 6' 9" heavily armed milita member neighbor's cat wrecking your daisy garden, do you go outside and shoot it with a 12 gauge or a water pistol? Think about how that would unfold. What exactly do you think would hapen if China or anyone released something truly deadly and wickedly contagious with the obvious intent to wipe-out any resistance to their agenda? You think they would just be permitted to get away with it....with Donald Trump in the white house as commander-in-chief???

You likely weren't seeing all the CRAZY leaked (and soon deleted) videos of locked down cities in China back in January and early February, crazy is understating it. Truly Orwellian, if anyone actually knows what that actually means anymore. Do you think the chinese government went to those lengths as a precautionary measure for some naturally occurring viral infection?? No, they obviously knew exactly what got out (although maybe not exactly when it did get out unless this is a worst case), and they understood exactly what length they were going to have to resort to in order to control it. They then conducted a ham-fisted cover-up. Plenty of people have broken down why the "numbers" coming from china are complete lies. A high school kid could do it. The data is out there independent of China and the arithmetic is simple. China rates simply don't add up despite any chinese-intrinsic variables.

3- No I'm not. You simply have no idea how things work because you haven't been exposed to it. Never heard of CRISPR? Gene-editing technology has been publicly available for a WHILE now. That doesn't mean CRISPR was used, that means bio-engineering organisms is not science fiction, it is the world we have been living in for years while most people have paid zero attention. You obviously didn't read any of the information I provided but just chose to stake your ground based on your own biases and misinformation. You accept, because you have been conditioned to accept, the false alternative fallacy...which is why you take the silly position that if I say government is inept, then government can't bio-engineer....I'm not even going to waste time deconstructing how infantile and intellectually empty such an "argument" like that is. If that is the depth of your critical thinking, then please keep your thoughts to yourself when people wish to discuss serious matters. But hey you live in Atlanta, so you tell me.... How well prepared is Atlanta WITH THE CDC RIGHT THERE? Completely unprepared. Yeah the government is going to fix everything. Keep on believing that. If there is ONE major city that should be prepared, should it not be Atlanta?

The notion a resident of wuhan caught this disease, perfectly suited for rampant human to human airborne transmission using RNA features nearly replicated from HIV to make it very contagious, from a bat, dead or alive, is simply so ridiculously unlikely that you might as well expect a bat to write you a prescription for a cure. This has all been covered, and diligent independent journalists have been on top of it for months now. I was warning my family in february to get ready because nearly everyone is going to catch it even though not everyone is going to get sick, based on the videos leaking out of China in Jan/Feb and the research being published at the same time.....what was everyone focusing on here back then?? The absolute farse of a political show trial, impeachment nonsense. Everyone who took part in orchestrating that should be shot at dawn IMHO. My family don't think it sounds so crazy now.

The amount of evidence independent journalists are compiling about this "crisis" paint s a very simple story with very few unknowns still left. It isn't my fault if some people still pay far too much attention to lazy and stupid "journalists" who do nothing but misinform, lie, propagandize, and sometimes are forced to eventually start begrudgingly reporting reality once their efforts to control what people think (according to what their bosses want) are far past the point of failure.

30 years ago...or now?

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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