TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - bingo, you must win states via the electoral college because
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Subject bingo, you must win states via the electoral college because
Posted by LJZTT on December 17, 2019 at 12:55 AM
  This message has been viewed 279 times.
In Reply To If the framers had been stupid enough to have the posted by 240Z FeO2 on December 16, 2019 at 07:51 PM
Message the USA is a UNION of STATES.
States are NOT a sub-tier of government, subordinate to a federal government at the top of some hierarchy.
That is NOT how it works. So much disinformation out there being peddled by corporate media.

Look back in old videos of American representatives addressing the United Nations. The USA its entire history was always properly referred to in 3rd person PLURAL to reaffirm this fact......."The United States of America ARE opposed-to/in-favor-of this or that proposal."
It is only in the past 25 years or so when the rot has fully taken over the state department, as a result of our wholly corrupted "education" system, that the USA has started to be referred to, incorrectly, in the 3rd person singular....."The United States of America is opposed to......" This is done both intentionally and out of sheer ignorance, which the state department is CHOCK full of.

Yuri Bezmenov warned everyone who would listen that this day was coming after defecting from the KGB 40 years ago, and here we are.

Repeal 16-17 amendment
Audit the Federal Reserve
Abolish IRS, CIA, FBI, US ARMY, USAF, Federal Reserve, HUD, and a myriad of other agencies which meddle in crap the feds have ZERO business meddling in.
Outlaw any political contributions not made by an individual to a politician of which the donating individual is demonstrably registered constituent. There is no reason why a single dollar from a Texas resident should be permitted to contribute to a campaign in Oklahoma. THAT is meddling. There is no reason why each and every google employee can't donate as individuals to their appropriate politicians, it should be illegal for Google, Nabisco, Walmart, Ford Motor Company, or Labor Unions to donate on behalf of their employees/shareholders...especially against their will or without their consent.

30 years ago...or now?

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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