I tried to cheap out thinking you could just buy universal replacement parts like the ones listed on RockAuto but the majority of the pieces don't fit. Things like the rear dust boost + bump stop are one piece. I think it's Z1 who makes a good replica but the auto parts store or whatever parts they suggest online just don't work well. A couple things were ok, like the rubber bushing that goes on top of the rear strut hat but overall it was a huge pain in the ass making things fit. I had to trim dust boots and completely reshaped the foam/rubber bump stop up front because it was too fat and would get hung up around the dust boot. In the end I had to buy a handful of the OEM pieces anyway.
With that said, if I had realized the original cost of all these pieces + the cost of my shocks and springs I may have considered a nice set of coilovers instead. I'm definitely pleased with my choice and the ride quality but it was annoying trying to piece together and utilize aftermarket components.