over the same time period. And ethanol production where? Does that mean an 80% increase in Brazil + a 40% decrease in the USA = a net increase? Does "ethanol production" mean E85 only? all E-blends? Let's assume you mean E85 only, and USA only. Gotta be careful with stats. No better way to lie or mislead someone than deceptively misuse stats. PRODUCTION may be up, but why? Is it from retail consumption? If it was, shouldn't I actually know SOMEBODY who uses it other than TTnetters here? Shouldn't I have seen SOMEBODY using the pumps at least now and again when I am at the gas station? I have never seen an E85 pump that wasn't unoccupied, and I have never met anybody except FI-car guys who actually use it. Why are pumps disappearing if production is going to the moon? I'm no Elon Musk, but I'm pretty sure diminishing retail outlets/distributors is not a characteristic associated with constantly increasing production year over year for the same retail market.
30 years ago...or now? "I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...." --William Patrick Corgan