TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - it isnt, I bought according to my criteria, didn't I?
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Subject it isnt, I bought according to my criteria, didn't I?
Posted by LJZTT on May 29, 2018 at 7:30 PM
  This message has been viewed 185 times.
In Reply To well if that's the *only* criteria posted by vorpalZ on May 29, 2018 at 04:35 PM
Message Other people buy according to theirs.
I personally would rather not have to worry about the things flaking off material after X hours of high temps or holes or other manufacturing defects or made in a factory built on an ancient indian burial ground and cursed by angry spirits, whatever the reasons that make AMS inferior, I trust and trusted those whom I knew I could trust that MS was producing quality pieces that would meet my criteria....part of my criteria was that I don't have to buy the same fucking thing twice and do the same work can dig thru my posts over Z1 silicon reinforced hoses to see where my criteria resides.....other people put price first above all else, seems shortsighted to me, but whatever.

So again since you are insisting on going in a giant circle, multiple ways to get increased exhaust flow, buy according to your criteria, because in the end they are all ESSENTIALLY the same. I could have rolled the dice and gotten a "good batch" of AMS manis were they available at the time, but I still would have bought MS because I knew there was no dice rolling involved, andwhiel there was nothing illegal about what AMS did, it was a shitty move, and in the long term bad for the enthusiast. SO I spent my money accordingly.

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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