TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Maybe the price is cheaper for a verified member of IAFF.
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Subject Maybe the price is cheaper for a verified member of IAFF.
Posted by T(Seattle) on April 08, 2018 at 10:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 425 times.
In Reply To I found what yall having been looking for posted by Bigmatthew86 on April 07, 2018 at 10:17 PM
Message Maybe not.

There's probably a really good reason that it's a bargain and you, of all people on the globe, were able to view that post. Now any idiot with a keyboard and unsecured connection can view it. That means simply by you posting it here that it's worth less, or worth more, than when it was posted originally.

If I had a Twin-Turbo in that condition I would only sell it for the original ????????? factory that produced the Twin-Turbo, in 1989 mint condition, with all the materials used to produce the Twin-Turbo in a perfect time capsule in kray-Z quantities.

I was going to type "2nd" after the prez ^^^^^ above but my lack of Z-spirit on this holy day of Z-dom has me unusually generous and asking for forgiveness. The previous paragraph is unusually self-incriminating and exposes some very basic truths about the value of vehicles and my ability to prove and justify any and all asking prices above suggested retail.

Where is a good ni[x]it skit-Zo episode cueing another timely Ashley entrance bursting in from the apartment across the hall from the prez to explain the current situation?

A mad hatter in Federal Way once whispered: If one could place Puzz-N-BootZ back in his original T-Top bag... he probably wouldn't always be smiling with his cat-eyes... Da, Komrade? Perhaps he is always smiling because an original T-Top bag is worth a lot more if it's original and not dead stock or even a factory reproduced original with original materials. For the factory workers that produced the T-Top bag are not in their 1989 mindstate, even if you can convince them to get back to work.

I shall not explain my actions, in-actions, words, or silence further but ... my decisions are sometimes final and sometimes you should e-mail a well-known member on this board before posting ... sometimes not.

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