i didnt even try on this car yet. i was tuning a customer car on a flex system at 10.5 cr and had to pull globs of timing in the cruise section of the map to keep it from pinging. then only about 11-13 degrees of top end timing versus 17\19degree pump gas tune. pump gas on high these high compression build are basically limp mode. I was getting about 370 whp at 12psi on a gt30 car on pump and then 700whp on e85 at 20psi. Once its up they are up to e30 though you can get most of your power back. So the ethanol content to load is not linear which is really nice. Im working on reverse flex tunes on nistune now on this car so that the primary map is the flex map and the compensation map is the pump map. currently it works the other way around. The reverse method will let me know my exact inj dc and pulse width. When comping the prime map as pump nistune just uses a value that wont display total inj dc or times
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