TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Early 1997 Nissan Mid Sport Concept, pre 350Z design.
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Subject Early 1997 Nissan Mid Sport Concept, pre 350Z design.
Posted by Bernie (NoVA) on August 27, 2016 at 9:28 PM
  This message has been viewed 4894 times.
Message John Yukawa later went on to be in charge of the 350Z project team.

Very little has been published in English about this concept. But I did see it @ the Zama facility in Japan several years ago. From what I could tell when I saw it, I believe that it was a KA24DE w. a turbo (AKA KA-T). These pictures are from a trip in 2007.

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Sorry about the blurry shot

Bernie Bilski
President of Z-Car Club of Northern Virginia

1995 Nissan 300ZX TwinTurbo in Cobalt Green
1997 Nissan 240SX SE in Ultra Red
2006 Nissan Frontier SE in Ultra Black

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