TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Good to see others that are educating themselves about e85
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Subject Good to see others that are educating themselves about e85
Posted by Scott Taylor (ZShack) on August 09, 2016 at 11:54 PM
  This message has been viewed 451 times.
In Reply To The myth that it’s the ethanol in fuel that is causing posted by not4resaleZ on August 06, 2016 at 11:14 AM
Message and not listening to the bs scare tactics of the oil industry. Just to add a little to your comments, MTBE was outlawed in most states due to ground water contamination potential. Their only option at the time was to use a product called ETBE. This is the added aromatics that you are referring to. The problem with it was the excessive production costs of ETBE where driving fuel prices up and costing too much money to manufacture it. This is when big oil turned to ethanol. It is cheap and a far better anti knock additive than ETBE. The oil companies want you to love E10 because it offers the best of both worlds. Cheap production costs and better anti knock control. The problem started when the government and big Ethanol started pushing E85 as a primary fuel source for cars. Big oil stands to loose a ton of money to big Ethanol if cars all switch to E85. It has become known as the big transfer of wealth. The farmers and big Ethanol are now reaping the profits of the oil companies, and big oil is mad. So what do they do? they turn to the internet and put out tons of false and deceiving info about it to scare people away and save their profit margin! It's what any big company does when it stands a chance of loosing big dollars.
The thing is, this is a very slippery slope. They need you to like the E10 but not like the E85. That is until they figure out how to produce Bio Ethanol from cellulose. Yes I have actual proof and confirmation that the scientists at Shell oil R&D in Houston are in fact working on this very hard as we speak. Once they can make bio ethanol, they will no longer need to rely on the farmer and big Ethanol to provide the fuel, they will simply reset their existing infrastructure to make bio ethanol instead of ETBE etc. Once this breakthrough is realized, you will see an entirely different marketing strategy imposed on the people. One that will be pro ethanol and that everyone needs to run E85 etc.
And for the record, I have been testing E85 and its affects on the z32 fuel system for almost 5 years now. I have many pictures and information similar to that link you provided about the evo, but for the z32. There is plenty of proof that E85 is harmless to our platform and any other platform period. :-)

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