TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - GTR - 300ZX plenum comparison
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Subject GTR - 300ZX plenum comparison
Posted by vorpalZ on February 01, 2016 at 10:33 AM
  This message has been viewed 3204 times.
Message Helped another Amateur Z member work on his 2012 GTR this weekend. We changed out injectors, and while we had the plenum off, I had another 300ZX plenum laying around. We took a few comparison shots:

Half the weight, about a third smaller,
integrated balance tube bolted to the rear:

Removal and replacement were a piece of cake.

No PCV ports or water lines at all, just vacuum lines and some ground lugs. Took 1/2 hour to pull.

Much bigger throttle bodies, smaller side chambers with shorter cross flow runners:

runner ports smaller than the Z, runners thicker:

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