TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Do I need an oil catch can and stronger timing belt?
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Subject Do I need an oil catch can and stronger timing belt?
Posted by PiotrC70 on August 31, 2015 at 1:25 PM
  This message has been viewed 481 times.
Message First things first... the timing belt.. When I replaced my CAS late last summer, I took the timing cover off and realized that I had enough slack on the timing belt that it had me thinking this isn't normal... I distinctly remember when I did the install (~5000 miles ago), all was well and tight in all places as it should be. I'll be taking things apart again once our weather turns for fall and will confirm whether or not the belt stretched with every other component being brand spanking new. The question is, do I try OEM again, or do I get the Gates belt that's 4x stronger and my assumption, less likely to stretch.

Second question is regarding my options. I've deleted my PCV's and per Greg's suggestion, left the intake valve cover hoses connected to the inlet of the turbo pipes. The problem that I have seen is that I can occasionally see oil residue/drip from the front side of the turbo (mind you both bolts to the turbo inlet are tight). It's obvious that the oil vapors are being sucked into the turbo and making it past the gasket or o-ring (I forget which was supplied) There is no oil from the turbo connections themselves other than the front. One method I've seen and I think it was Ash or someone that did this is to run the intake pipes to smaller breather filters and cap the turbo inlet. I talked to someone at a car show that did the same and stated that he only has to remove the filter once a year for cleaning as opposed to having constant sucking from the turbo pulling the vapors in. My worry with doing this however is that I have a pretty tucked & clean bay so I'd almost opt to run the hose down by the belly pan or something for access.


1993 TT. R.I.P. 09.15.2010

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