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Perhaps this thread can be moved over to tech so others can easily access the information, it will become increasingly important as years pass and more people try to maintain their z on a budget. A lot of helpful information was discussed in the FB post, since others have come experienced the same issues with these replica knock sensors. I also mentioned it last year here and noted that the knock sensors appeared visually to be OEM, but now after closer inspection they are visibly different. The stamping on the replicas is sub-par and often has defects, and the metal is a plain silver instead of the zinc-coat the OEM versions have. Regardless of ohm specs, someone posted up an image of the weight comparisons of both sensors, and the OEM sensor weighs 1.9oz while the replica weighs 1.6oz. This is obviously unacceptable and will warrant all sorts of tuning issues. Avoid them and let the knock sensors be an item purchased from Nissan or a trusted supplier like Bernie.