TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z32 Thermodynamics Project
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Subject Z32 Thermodynamics Project
Posted by ttsmokin on March 19, 2015 at 10:20 AM
  This message has been viewed 395 times.
Message I have a project to do for one of my Thermodynamics classes towards my mechanical engineering degree. I'm going to be modeling the VG30DETT in the following way:

1) Using air standard assumptions in the most ideal Otto cycle
2) Adding a turbocharger to the cycle (Air standard, 100% efficient)
3) Adding an intercooler to the cycle (Air standard, 100% efficient)
4) Adding efficiency for both the turbocharger and intercooler
4) Introducing the combustion process into the cycle

I'm hoping to be able to optimize the turbocharger pressure while avoiding the knocking limits of whatever octane gasoline I choose to use. For this I will have to track down a pressure map for the factory turbochargers or go with an aftermarket set.

In order to model our engine in a roughly accurate way with air I need to know either the temperature or pressure during the combustion process. Knowing an average exhaust temperature would also be handy. I can choose a certain RPM to do all my calculations for. I will be comparing the power outputs of my model to actual dyno results.

I've found some information on temperature drop across a few aftermarket intercoolers from an old post by Ash that I will be using for the intercooler efficiency.

If anyone has any input or can help me out with my missing information that would be much appreciated!

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