TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Steering Rack Options
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Subject Steering Rack Options
Posted by Carlos Ramirez on March 11, 2015 at 2:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 639 times.
Message Hello Guys

My Steering rack is leaking, I heard/read a lot of horror stories on getting a proper replacement. Things I have read/heard

1. You get an NA rack instead of a TT one with the correct Ratios
2. Anything made by Cardone will leak shortly after being installed
3. Some racks have bad electronics.
4. Warranties are not properly supported
5. You get screwed on core charges.

So while I am replacing things.. Any comments on replacing the high pressure hose Mine is not leaking but I like doing things only once and contemplating replacing it with an rebuilt one or maybe even the AMS kevlar one (yes I know about AMS but if its better than stock and the only one available), and the Silicone Power steering suction hose.

Am I missing anything while I am doing this? I am going to cycle some fluid thru reservoir to get all the old stuff out as well. Get an alignment as well. I have the energy suspension bushings already.

Any recommendations or advise on this project?

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