TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Let me see if I can get through to you
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Subject Let me see if I can get through to you
Posted by ZXRider on February 06, 2015 at 9:26 PM
  This message has been viewed 221 times.
In Reply To hoo-kay.... last try: posted by vorpalZ on February 06, 2015 at 08:47 PM
Message You seemed to care when the dude decided to shoot up his Stillen SMICs:

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Now you are telling me a guy possibly scrapping a Z32 is his decision and private property? Doesn't seem that way from your reply.

To me this is the same thing. If that Z32 is going to end up in the scrap yard because of engine issues, it's a waste to my eyes. Just like how it was a waste to shoot up those SMICs.

Now, about the AT-MT topic you brought up. I had no problem with people saying to swap my AT for MT. I even jokingly replied to one of Bernie's comments telling him I'm willing to do the swap if he was willing to donate the parts. When I had my engine out, I didn't have the financial ability to do the swap properly. I re-used the transmission and decided to change it whenever the AT kicked the bucket or the next time I had the engine out. Neither of those two have happened yet. You call that a dumb move, so be it.

I'm not telling him or anyone what to do with their car. He can burn it to ashes if he wants to. Am I going to point out that it would be stupid for him to burn his car tho.

As I mentioned multiple times, I like these cars. I like to see them on the road. It actually brings a smile to my face when I see a clean Z32 on the road.

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