TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Saw a 370Z for the first time this morning! :I
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Subject Saw a 370Z for the first time this morning! :I
Posted by LivinTheDream on November 18, 2014 at 3:28 PM
  This message has been viewed 961 times.
Message I live in the Bahamas and apart from the dealer not having them in house cars with a 3.0 liter or bigger engine are 80-85% duty. Thus a 370 was the last thing I expected to see this morning on the way to work. As I passed through the bridge toll I saw the hooked headlight standing out from the gloss black paint. My instinct immediately said 370Z but my reason said maxima. As I pulled away my gut feeling was confirmed and my eyes finally saw the unbecoming youth of the Z generations.

Needless to say while it is an improvement on the boring styling of the 350 it doesn't come close to conjuring the kind of awe the Z32 does. Not because I own one but I wasnt a fan of the Z32 until I saw one for the first time. The wow effect that the Z32 had is on another level from the oh cool effect the Z34 had. I was more excited to finally see one then anything else. So thats all. I know I'm a few years late. Thanks

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