TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Also consider insurance and audio
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Subject Also consider insurance and audio
Posted by matthewrigdon on November 02, 2014 at 3:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 574 times.
In Reply To Does anyone in Missouri know what a Z is? posted by matthewrigdon on November 01, 2014 at 05:17 AM
Message When I purchased my TT, I called up and added it to my policy. The agent I spoke to mentioned that since the 1990s are turning 25, I can look into insuring it as a historical vehicle next year. That way, the value is determined differently if the car is totaled, i.e. you wouldn't just get Kelly Blue Book. So that might be something to mention.

I'm going to have to replace my sound system and my research is that the 1990s had a larger rear speakers, so you can put in better speakers without serious modification compared to the later models.

Highlight that you had the injectors replaced, as this is the main concern with the older cars.

As for the mods, I noticed you did all the work yourself. This may make the car harder to move. Anyone who's done their research is going to know that there are far too many of these cars out there with the mods done wrong. They'll either avoid mods entirely or they'll want to see that the mods were done at a shop with a reputation in the community for quality work. Not much you can do about that.

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