TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - this... This... THIS!!!!
People Seeking Info

Subject this... This... THIS!!!!
Posted by vorpalZ on September 09, 2014 at 11:07 AM
  This message has been viewed 512 times.
In Reply To it took me a month to prepare my car for a SZ tune posted by puchy on September 09, 2014 at 09:09 AM
Message I have run 4 Specialty Z dyno weekends and participated in another one.

I have fixed, diagnosed, assisted, run for last minute parts, donated time, labour and parts and countless other small and large jobs to get everybody tuned on the dyno. Myself included... i've had to do last minute repairs and upgrades to fix stuff that wasn't done correctly on both my Z's pre-dyno. Which I shut up and do.

And these are on cars that are running fairly reliably. There are simply too many things that can go sideways on 20+ year old turbocharged sportscars to expect them to be perfect for tuning, regardless of the shiny parts you've bought.

If your car is not up to snuff for dyno tuning... take the time and get it ready. I've had to refuse people for dyno events because not only were the cars not ready, they were actually road unsafe. And of course the owners are pissed off at me for pointing it out. Even on the dyno, we're had guys disappointed at their numbers and we've told them why they're losing power and what they need to do to correct it. And most are good about it, but I've had a couple over the years that are pissed at me and SZ because we didn't deliver on their expectations.

I honestly couldn't run a business like the guys at SZ do and have to deal with the same thing all the time... I'd lose it on the guy if they start whining about shit that they can fix properly but won't. Good thing we have these guys... they're much better at handling this type of situation.


"I expressed no attitude, I'm correcting you. If you don't
like it, try not to be wrong next time. Now you're getting
attitude, and if you don't like that you should grow a thicker

- TriniTT 14:04:16 12/22/12

”Exhaust doesn't produce horsepower”
- VERTTZ 13:17:22 06/26/12

I'm off to wax mine and go for a drive now.
- BigTDogg (MA) 07:17:08 07/17/09

change, people change, but the Z32 still kicks ass.

- apudapus 16:46:02 06/15/07

I was more
wondering how you set your climate control to 22* lol, it
would be that fastest freezer on wheels!

- Briscoe'sZ32 (NJ) 23:15:44

You have *got* to be getting a cut from
B&B :D

- SeedyROM 15:24:29 08/16/06
What do you think B&B stands for?
- YugoBernie (NoVA) 15:57:09

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