TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I have, that's how I changed my rod bearings last winter
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Subject I have, that's how I changed my rod bearings last winter
Posted by Zvil (FL) on September 07, 2014 at 9:56 PM
  This message has been viewed 338 times.
In Reply To Has anyone flipped the fully assembled engine; long block, posted by Tanley on September 07, 2014 at 04:07 PM

It's not difficult if you have some body weight to counter it from falling over, I have a 4 wheel engine stand and I stood on the opposite side while I let it turn over slowly using a long lever.

"The dreaded 2nd windshiled wiper swipe when you turn it off its almost like tis showing you that it's boss, and it doesn't have to stop when you tell it to :("-College Boy

(discussion on ptu relocation)
"No good reason to put it there anyway. -Bernie (NoVA)
False -vorpalZ
False. -Bernie (NoVA)
You're correct, there are 3 good reasons -vorpalZ
False. -Bernie (NoVA)
Wow, right again, just remembered another, make that 4 -vorpalZ"

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