of the system. This means complete disassembly of the system and individual component flushing. Our Z's are old enough that countless cans of stop leak and hack "retrofit" kits in a can have been added. All of this crap needs to be cleaned out so that the system can be filled with a known quantity of the proper lubricant. For the record, I do not recommend stop leak because I consider it a band-aid, and it also makes future repair of the leak very difficult. A leaking o-ring connection becomes cemented together with stop leak, making it almost impossible to disassemble without causing damage. The most common leakage areas that I see are the o-rings to the expansion valve and the o-rings between the compressor and the AC lines. Removing the expansion valve from the evaporator when it is essentially glued in place with stop leak sometimes results in a mangled evaporator. I flush with mineral spirits because it is cheap, and then follow up with a flush with a highly evaporative solvent such as the dura II that I mentioned above. Mineral spirits has a very high boiling point, even when placed under a vacuum, and therefore is not suitable as a final flushing agent because you will have difficulty removing all traces of it from your system. If you can buy brake parts cleaner in bulk, it may work well too.