TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Best Floor Jack & Jack Stands
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Subject Best Floor Jack & Jack Stands
Posted by OverZealous (CT) on December 10, 2012 at 3:34 PM
  This message has been viewed 1902 times.
In Reply To Jack/Stands reccomendations posted by FuerGrissa on December 10, 2012 at 10:55 AM
Message Here is a link to what I believe is the best floor jack. Check it out!

Above are the best jack stands (with link here), only because of the double lock which I believe is very important. At $35 a pair (plus shipping) I think it's a damn good deal.

It seems ton capacity is really not nearly as important as jack stand stability. The groves in the pad on the one you're looking are probably not deep enough to accommodate the welded seam on the side of the Z limiting the advantage of that stand. The pads on the feet really don't add anything relative to a conventional set up but it may be a little easier on your garage floor if you've got nice floors.

Balance the options of jack stand size / jack stand footprint / jack stand height with that of your floor jack. The cheap floor jack I used to have won't even get the car onto my new big 6-ton jack stands at the lowest possible setting.

OverZealous (CT)
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