the LEDs in series and then add 1 high current (1 amp) rectifier diode to the end of the series. That extra diode would drop the voltage the LEDs are seeing by about 0.7v. If we assume the 4 LEDs have a voltage drop of 3.3v each --- 4 x 3.3 = 13.2v + 0.7v comes pretty close to the alty max output of 13.9 to 14v. That is - this arrangement keeps the diode voltage below the max threshold of 3.5vDC each. Just to play it safe maybe use 2 regular diodes in series instead of just one? One issue that will need to be dealt with - keeping the turn signal flasher blinking at the right speed. There are LED resistor load kits to solve this problem -- often they are used for LED tail light conversions -- tricks the flasher into thinking a bulb is still connected. Hoping others here can weigh-in on these suggestions?