Two things: 1) AMS and their ilk are a special circumstance. It wasn't as if they just took common parts that had been out for years, created their own version and let the market decide. It was things like carbon-copying brand new products, sometimes even beta/unreleased items they'd "acquired". Sure, you can say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and that you've got to constantly innovate to survive but the ruthlessly quick rate at which AMS jumps in to steal a product's thunder is appalling. Simply "copying" parts with shoddy materials is only a small part of the story. 2) It's taken years of beating clueless Z owners over the head with what should be obvious (that AMS' actions stifle innovation and hurts us all). Thankfully, a lot of people have finally come around and realized it's not just another cheap Chinese autoparts issue. So when people like you say they "don't understand" why we "do this every time", it tells them they need to keep at it. Or something.
 "Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them." - Frederick Douglas |