TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Except sports.
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Subject Except sports.
Posted by TriniTT on November 05, 2012 at 6:50 PM
  This message has been viewed 128 times.
In Reply To He certainly has an opinion on everything. (n/m) posted by CameronSF on November 05, 2012 at 06:45 PM
Message The thing is, on a modern forum, you can actually have a conversation. Conversations go like this:

You say something.
I respond.
You respond.
I respond.

and so forth. So, I've responded 6 times to TTkickedin, which in real life would amount to a brief conversation. But, since we're using a 90s forum design, makes me look like a damn troll. If someone responds to me, I respond back. I don't know how else to have a conversation with someone.


"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more
useful than a life spent doing nothing." George Bernard Shaw

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