I went to Ztoberfest yesterday. Overall, it was a pretty nice show. I got to meet some new people and see a few others that I haven't seen in a while. Anyway, on to the pics! 

Too bad they had AMS brake pads being raffled off 
Wait, what's this? I see something different here 
Do you see it yet? 
Not only did it get the worst promotion in history, they actually gave it a negative value! 
Never Play Leapfrog With A Unicorn!!!

WILL JSCHRAUWEN EVER ANSWER MY QUESTION? John, stop it! You are not allowed in AMS threads and you know it. -- marty1mc 
Do yourself a favor and just worry about your own car. I don't see what everyone is so worried about anyway. If someone else wants to perform a modification that you believe will destroy the value, cheapen the Z32 or whatever you can't sit on your hands about, wouldn't that make your tastefully-modified, white bread Z32 more rare and valuable? -- BradZ (FL) on December 23, 2007 at 12:19 PM The unicorn gets its revenge... -- Scotts94z32 on September 19, 2006 at 11:12 AM CLICK FOR DETAILS ABOUT BUYING A ZAMA POSTER!!!! 