TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Another option for replacing your EFI harness?
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Subject Another option for replacing your EFI harness?
Posted by Draker (Eugene, OR) on July 27, 2012 at 2:30 PM
  This message has been viewed 3176 times.
Message I ran across a company (Wiring Specialties) that has been making various Nissan engine
and other harnesses. They make a lot of harnesses for custom swaps as well. For example
a Z32 RB swap harness and many many more.

They recently released a replacement VG30DE(TT) harness which is the first that
I've see.(There could be others)

There wasn't a price on their website so I emailed to see how competitively price these
units are. We all know we can get a OEM harness for $400-$460, so why would anyone want
to buy an aftermarket harness for the same price.

They emailed me back and told me their unit comes in at $425 + shipping currently and is
ready for pre-order. Once I saw the price I thought, hrm.. does this have any advantages
over an OEM harness, because for the same price I am going OEM for sure. So emailed them
back and asked just that, stating most Z32 owners I know are going to opt for a new OEM
unit for that price depending on if there are any advantages with the aftermarket unit.

Their reply:

"Craig, our harness is pretty cool.
It will have both the old style and new style injectors on a quick disconnect plug,
so with the injector swap, you can quickly change the subharness. It will work on any
model 1990-1995, Turbo, NA, auto or manual. It will also work with the VG swap into any
Z32 chassis.

Lastly, the early model installations have this ugly PTU subharness. Our harness will use
the new PTU and old style Injectors, CAS and A/C plug.

Hope this gives you a good idea on the advantages vs a factory harness.
Also, the old style harnesses power injectors with constant voltage, damaging the old units.
We utilize all the 1995 version changes in our unit that can e used on a 1990-up."

Now, there are a few advantages. The 12v switched mod is already done in all harnesses.
Quick disconnects if you opt to change injectors. PTU sub-harness is deleted on all units.

They can also accommodate MAP conversions: "For AEM MAP conversion, please indicate the
location of the AIT and the MAP sensors on the engine/piping in the NOTES section when ordering."

Also mention on the ad its says this about the harness:
- Improved grounding routing by addition of internal cross-grounding
- OEM connector specs (no cheap aftermarket connectors that fall apart)
- Designed for a factory-like installation and fit and finish for the 300ZX Z32
- OEM wiring connections and 'T' junctions. No soldered connections at all
- Transmission Harness supports 5-speed and Auto to 5-speed conversions
- Will improve engine performance through better grounding and power wiring

It should be noted I don't have any interest in this company what so ever. It was the first
aftermarket harness I've seen for the Z32 and I've long thought about what will happen when
all the harnesses are NLA from Nissan. I haven't ordered or tried this harness. They guarantee
like OEM fit and have technical support 24x7. The only posted this for informational purposes
only and to let people know there is another option out there. Since I haven't reviewed it myself,
I have no thoughts or opinions other than it could be a good alternative for some. It appears (not confirmed)
these guys are willing to make custom harnesses as well, for those who might want to have
something else wired directly into the harness or to have some connectors deleted.

I'm curious to hear others feedback.

Lastly here is a picture of one of the harnesses they sent me:

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