TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I can read the chart you posted of your car......
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Subject I can read the chart you posted of your car......
Posted by Greg D. (Specialty-Z) on July 02, 2012 at 3:44 PM
  This message has been viewed 334 times.
In Reply To Re: Apparently you don't know how to read a dyno graph. posted by Z_Pilot on July 02, 2012 at 12:05 PM

That you posted here....
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It is true that lower timing helps spool, getting carried away with it is not our practice.
The chart of Scott's car you pulled from our blog did not have any ignition timing change before and after, it was only cam timing.
Here is another one with smaller turbos and cam timing change that a customer posted in this link....
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If you look at the rest of the blog's charts, or other charts our customers have posted, you will not find any charts from us that have lower timing causing the type of dip related to ignition timing as you find in your chart at 3700 RPM.

If your thoughts are the same as rh_334 and you think a pair of turbo's the size of GT35R's used on a Z32 engine will not surge without anti-surge housings, you have a bit to learn.
The higher the RPM, the more air the engine can pump through it, the lower the RPM, the more restriction.
With the Automatic, the throttle is not lifted in the shift, so a blow off valve, or recirc valve, will not open as it will never see vacuum, it is always in high boost, and holding the valves closed with pressure. The amount of air these turbos are flowing at higher boost levels, at high RPM, is far more than the Z32 heads can move when the engine RPM is lower. When the trans shifts and lowers the RPM of the engine, the pressure increases because of the restriction of lower RPM pumping loss, this pushes air back against the compressor wheel and causes surge.
The anti surge covers allow the pressure spike to vent to the inlet and recirculate.
Steve car only drops to about 5000RPM in a shift, ignition timing would not be lowered that high up in the RPM band on a Z32 engine for spool, Steve is almost fully spooled by that RPM.

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