TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Staggered Wheels
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Subject Re: Staggered Wheels
Posted by ZwheelZ on January 24, 2012 at 8:57 PM
  This message has been viewed 473 times.
In Reply To Staggered Wheels posted by Tanley on January 24, 2012 at 08:29 PM
Message here is a post on here you might want to look at [ ]

also some more good info...

- Convert the Width to mm: 10 x 25.4 = 254mm
- Divide it by 2 (to get center point): 254 / 2 = 127mm
- Subtract the offset from it: 127 – 45 = 82mm

Now you have 82mm and that is the distance from the mounting pad to the most outside point of the wheel. Compare it to the stock wheel: 72.95mm. That is about ½ of an inch wider (to the outside only!).

Now subtract the 82mm from the total Width: 254 – 82 = 172mm. This is the distance of from the mounting pad to the most internal point of the wheel. Compare it to the stock wheel: 142.95mm. That is about 1 inch wider (to the inside).

So there you have it, you new wheel is going to stick out ½ inch more than stock, and is going to be 1 inch wider to the inside. Note that those wheels are 1 ½ inches wider than stock, but only ½ inch sticks out, the rest goes to the inside. found on [ ]

Hope this helps!


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