I've had a few request for info on how accurate the 200 mph gauge is after the calibration is performed. I did a comparison at different speeds to show the difference between the stock gauge and the 200 mph gauge. From what I've seen, the stock gauge always displays a reading of around 5 mph more than what the ECU reports after reaching 80+ mph. The stock rpm gauge also displays about a 500 rpm difference after a certain range which I can't remember. These first pictures are the stock gauge. This is a never been touched (in the since of the calibration being readjusted from factory) stock 1990 gauge I had from my stock. I started gathering the data at 20 mph and then after every 10 mph.

This is the data I gathered from the 200 mph gauge. I compared the data every 5 mph starting at 10 mph and then at every 10 mph once over 100 mph so this is rather long. The result is that due to the speed indication scale being closer together after the 100 mph mark the 200 mph gauge is actually a little more accurate once over 100 mph.

And if you can make it here then...:)
The intense light a had the gauges under really brought out the grainy texture in the 200 mph gauge so here is a side by side comparison in regular incandescent room light.

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