TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NEW TwinZ Design 300ZX 2+2 bolt-on Diffuser
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Subject NEW TwinZ Design 300ZX 2+2 bolt-on Diffuser
Posted by TheTwinZ (Peru) on October 28, 2011 at 11:09 AM
  This message has been viewed 3874 times.
Message Here are some pics of our new diffuser installed on a 2+2 Z...You can also see our new 2+2 side skirts and we'll make a more detailed post later with comparison pics.

Hope you like the diffuser and the new look it gives to the rear of the 2+2 Z32.

This and all our products will be offered by Z1 Motorsports in a group buy that should start in the next couple of weeks.

'90 Blue Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo
'91 White Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo
'95 Red Nissan 300ZX 2+2 Twin Turbo (JDM)
'93 Blue Mazda RX-7 R1 Twin Turbo
'90 Black Nissan 300ZX Naturally Aspired (SOLD - 08/23/05)

Check for TwinZ Design on FACEBOOK:

VIDEO: TwinZ Design rear bumper with diffuser - For sale @ Z1 Motorsports

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