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Posted by aliaZ on October 24, 2011 at 9:30 PM
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In Reply To C'mon...really? posted by FlawleZ (San Antonio) on October 24, 2011 at 06:44 PM
Message :I live in San Antonio I know all too well how hot it gets here. But who would seriously be driving a car modified to this extent as a daily?

It doesn't take that much to exceed the capabilities of the stock oiling system

If you can afford to modify your Z32 to this point, why not have comfy daily with all the amenities so you don't have to cut corners on the Z's performance.

I have a nice daily driver...that doesn't mean my Z has to be an all-out race car

:I have a hard time understanding why anyone purchasing a dry sump setup for their Z32 wouldn't want to maximize the performance of their car.

Is it that hard to understand that I don't want to blow my engine?

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