TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 18x9" +33 Offset (front/rear) work on a Z?
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Subject 18x9" +33 Offset (front/rear) work on a Z?
Posted by Jayru on August 18, 2011 at 2:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 1501 times.
Message Found a guy locally that has some SSR's for sale 18x9" +33

Would this offset/size work on a Z, clear the brakes, and look hella flush? (just kidding about the hella flush part). I would like them to not be sunken in though.

Also would 275/35's work all around on a 9" wheel for a square setup with no rub in the front?


(Previous Z's - 92 TT stage I - 94 TT stage III)
Current Z - 90 TT stage IV - being rebuilt

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