It's that love for the common interest which is why there is so much hatred for AMS. I don't know what all your klan talk is about your racist fuck. Here are some facts for you. I don't know why reading this for the 50th time would make you understand any better, but humor me. Fact #1: AMS copied the MSP manifolds They get them from CN Racing in China, for $70 a pair, and have never to this day disclosed what the material is. Raping the Z owner, $300+ at a time... Fact #2: AMS copied the BDE motor mounts And quite poorly at that. MIG welding, raping again on the replacement bushings, denying to Brett's virtual face that they were copied. And you wonder why everyone (except you and like five other local fanbois) think Vuk is a slimy fuckface eel. Fact #3: AMS copied the HI water pump pulley (even after swearing up and down there was nothing wrong with their PEXZED knockoff design. The whole way FuckFaceVuk handled that situation speaks volumes of his lack of character or true desire to help the Z32 community. Fact #4: Many of AMS's products are simply painted or laser etched versions of products readily available on eBay for much less. Examples: oil cooler, O2 sensors, MAF etc etc Fact #5: AMS has NEVER, nor will the ever, be able to respond to ANY technical questions regarding "their" products Why? Because they don't design them. They always balk when ANYONE gets technical, and always spin "I'm accredited, DEEERRRRR, SEMA, DEEEERRRR, SPONSOR??!?!?" It goes on and on and on... AMS is the AIDS of the Z32 community, slowly eating away at the heart of innovation and development, and helping would be Civic owners afford a modified Z32; one cheaply copied Chinese part at a time. You can live a lie all you want, profess your love of AMS on 3ZC, but don't come on here talking about how you have no failures and how great they are. Nobody's buying it, because most, if not all here, know the truths above I have just stated. Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say, and no one thinks you have a shred of credibility or dignity.

"I'm glad I have the MSP mani's." - jschrauwen 22:20:13 06/10/08"...Downpipes own. They own everything...anything...all there ever was and will be...they should be stock on all cars. Screw the environment, emissions, noise! I love them...I shall name my first-born after them with glee..." - SeedyRom 05:13:20 10/03/02 "i love the cock" - genic 22:20:47 09/25/03 "I hope you get fucked in the ass with a pringles can." - ni[X]it 14:53:53 02/02/06 "Either ignore him or beat him up. Anything else will be over his head." - Marshall 12:28:23 08/18/04 "i've got to the point where i can drive the Z at its limits and i want more" - shadowZ 16:29:56 08/31/04 "I was way more timid then than I am now about getting in there and yanking on things." - TT XTZ 13:30:34 07/25/05 "Just ran out to get some knee pads. I'm ready now... BRING.....IT.....ON... :-) " - Dave N 19:04:30 10/31/07