"also tired of ppl driving in a straight line for 1/4 mile and thinkin they're hot shit" - hey GotBo0st 22:17:26 09/26/04
"Moral of my night, fucking young people who inheret money, and dont know shit, but think they do are dumb fucks." - suprakillinz 02:37:37 07/02/05
"You are stupidier than dirt." - AzHeat 21:23:10 08/05/04
"Welcome, and I'd listen to Spee" - BigTDogg (MA) 18:21:41 02/17/04
"SCORE: Spee=1 The rest of us=0 (n/m)" - jaymztt(seWA) 19:17:12 07/23/04