TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - GT Super Screamers featuring Nissan GTPZX
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Subject GT Super Screamers featuring Nissan GTPZX
Posted by NightBlur on February 27, 2011 at 4:11 PM
  This message has been viewed 4077 times.
Message I am not sure how many of you are aware of the GT Super Screamers made by World of Wonders in 1990. It is an extremely rare and hard to find especially complete and working. I have 3 of these sets which I have collected over the past year. I wanted to share with you this rare Nissan branded toy. I have two complete sets that are fully functional and are a blast. The technology was called fly by wire and it is 100% slot less. The cars are able to travel freely on the track. It is truly a fun toy especially for those die hard Nissan fans.

One thing I do need to work out is charging the replacement batteries. They are Cadnica batteries and charge to about 5.2 Volts. They discharge quickly to 4.8Volts which is the point they stop running. Once I figure a system to deep charge them I believe they will work perfectly. The batteries must have been deep charged from the factory. But all in all it is a great thing to own and play with. I have tossed around with parting with a set and include a parts car. Anyways this is for all you fellow Nissan fans. I have included a video of the cars running and pictures of the toy.

Sounds like a 300zx injector tic

YouTube of Cars Running

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Original Battery Pack

New battery Pack

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