Since most of my interior is out for sound deadening and I have already sunk a small fortune into my car I figured it was as good of time as any to upgrade the stereo system (thanks to all the members who helped with my selection of components). I have never really liked any of the options for mounting sub’s in the Z. I have a set of Chris’s speaker box’s and they are very well made but still take up a lot of trunk space and are visible, which for whatever reason I don’t like. I started looking around for places to stash an 8 or 10 inch sub and decided to got with a spot behind the driver seat where the fuel pump controller is located. I bought a JL Audio 10w1v2-4 (shallow mount). It only requires .6 cubic feet to operate and had a mount depth of 4 inches and change. Once the speaker arrived I did a quick test fit and then covered the entire channel going back toward the trunk with painters tape and made a fiberglass mold of the bottom.
This is how the mold look when it first came out.
I added some additional layers for strength
Here is where I started making the place for the speaker to mount Speaker cut out
Test fit of the speaker Fitment is very tight...shouldn't move around any For my first attempt at fiber-glassing I am very pleased with how it turned out. Since it will never be seen I probably wont do anything to clean up its appearance any and just leave it ugly :)
My Space Red Point Fitness Madhatter10-6: 1991 Twin Turbo Stage: Sneaky