TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - The gauges are mounted in a custom bonnet which has
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Subject The gauges are mounted in a custom bonnet which has
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on October 16, 2010 at 12:26 AM
  This message has been viewed 2065 times.
In Reply To Awesome as always Gary! How're the side gauges posted by CoHPhasor on October 15, 2010 at 07:03 PM
Message pods to accommodate the gauges. The indicators NOS, Ready and FMIC are part of a custom nitrous oxide system control I made. You can read about it at this link.

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The large red switch with the red protective cover turns on power to the nitrous oxide system. The small red switch to the right (NOS light) then provides power to all solenoides. Next, the green switch (Ready light) allows use of the NOS button which is mounted in place of the cigarette lighter. At this point you can use the NOS at WOT. Next is the blue switch (FMIC). With the Ready switch off, the blue switch allows you to purge the N2O system by spraying the front mount intercooler. With the Ready and FMIC switch on, you can inject the N2O at WOT and spray the front mount intercooler to cool it at the same time.

Another link showing the system.
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When all the indicators are on it means that all the switches that control the N2o system are on as in this picture. The first large blue lighted switch with the protective cover is a combination function switch. When off it kills the ability to start the car. It's another part of a custom setup I made. To start the car you must turn this switch on first. When on it also turns on blue accent lights at the feet of both driver and passenger. After you start the car and then turn off the switch, it activates a system that when you park the car and remove the ignition key, it will allow the turbo timer to control when the engine shuts off. When the turbo timer runs out and turns off the car, the car is disabled from being able to start until you turn on the large blue switch again. So basically it's sort of remote activated kill switch.

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