TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - TwinZ Design 300ZX 2+2 rear bumper with diffuser photoshoot
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Subject TwinZ Design 300ZX 2+2 rear bumper with diffuser photoshoot
Posted by TheTwinZ (Peru) on July 22, 2010 at 3:22 PM
  This message has been viewed 10240 times.
Message As promised, here are more pics of our new rear bumper with integrated diffuser for the 300ZX 2+2.

The biggest difference of this version from the 2 seater version, besides the lenght of the bumper, is that the diffuser in our 4 seater version is 10cm. wider because of the 4 seater Z's having a bigger separation between the mufflers (mostly because of the gas tank being just behind the rear subframe)...The rest of the dimensions are very similar.

We got the exhaust too low on this 2+2, but it will be fixed soon...the exhaust sitting closer to the bumper would look even nicer.

This shot really make it look like a 2 seater at first sight...

You can clearly see the bigger separation between the removable fins and the central duct...


Pics have not been modified to make the car look shorter.

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VIDEO: TwinZ Design rear bumper with diffuser - For sale @ Z1 Motorsports

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