TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - TwinZ Design 2+2 rear bumper...Done!!
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Subject TwinZ Design 2+2 rear bumper...Done!!
Posted by TheTwinZ (Peru) on July 19, 2010 at 1:41 PM
  This message has been viewed 1926 times.
Message Just wanted to give you a couple of news...

1. TwinZ Design 2+2 rear bumper is finally done and we are currently making the matrix to start production next week...We have learned a lot while making the 2 seater version so the production of these bumpers will be a lot faster.

Here's a comparison pic...

TwinZ Design


2. A full container containing 2 big boxes full of 2 seater bumpers is on its way to Z1.

I'll be posting more pics of the 4 seater bumper in the next few days...Stay tuned!

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VIDEO: TwinZ Design rear bumper with diffuser - For sale @ Z1 Motorsports

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