TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Gauge face out to production and software update.
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Subject Gauge face out to production and software update.
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on July 07, 2010 at 1:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 1277 times.
Message I talked to the maker, provided all the info and am waiting for the results.

A cheesy mockup with the gauge face printed out on paper. The dimensions are not the same as it will be once produced but it allowed me to generalize how it will look and work.

For the past few days I have been working diligently gathering info from the makers of the chips which are used in the interface designs and gathering info from some really good programmers in the programming community. With that I have been able to add some pretty neat features to the software.

Under "tools" in the menu bar you can now check to see if your interface has been correctly installed (one click). It will enumerate any interfaces which use FTDI chips, tell you what port they are on, give you the name of the chip interface (PLMS has written the name "Consult" to their interface chip eproms) and automatically assign the correct comport to them. You will also be able to change latency settings (thanks again BoneZ!) from the software or directly open the properties page for the interface without having to go through the typical device manager steps to get to it. My goal in all this is to reduce connection issues as much as possible.

I've been adding routines to be able to use the DLP-IO8-G interface board which will ultimately (once the software portion has been completed) allow you to use external gauges and wideband sensors with the software using this $30 interface. At this point everything is strictly for monitoring purposes though. The DLP-IO8-G has room for 8 inputs.

Oh, and I've setup a software page showing some of my past software endeavors. Thought I would put it up for credibility purposes (and bragging rights:). I still have a lot of editing and sample picture uploading to do for the Nissan Data Voice website so please bear with me if looking.

Well, at least I got a jumpstart on things. I'm going to surgery tomorrow. Please wish me luck. And thanks everyone!

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