TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Additional IC testing.
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Subject Additional IC testing.
Posted by kkrofft (OH) on May 06, 2010 at 1:06 PM
  This message has been viewed 1895 times.
Message So I did some additional testing of my intercooler efficiency while I had the DAC
installed. See the post La-Z-Link

Yesterdays temperature was in the low 80's so it was a good bit warmer than the previous test.

These graphs do a good job of displaying how an intercooler works.
Looking at the graphs the first run up through the gears shows lower output temps
and higher efficiency initially but fades as boost continues showing that as the
IC becomes heatsoaked it cannot cool the charge as well but it stays above 70%
while boosting which is very respectable performance.

Recovery to the ready state takes a full minute and a half. Again not too bad for
a roughly 90 degree drop in temp. Good ducting/airflow is imperative and water spray
would cut that time by a good bit.

The recorded MAX efficiency was 82.5% and the lowest (at cruising speed) was 48%. Putting that in perspective
I believe the stock IC's are good to just over 50% max under boost.

Efficiency Graph - Godspeed SMIC's

Efficiency Graph Raw Data - Godspeed SMIC's


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Every now that ever was is still exactly when it was, when it was now.

Then, in terms of perception, is nothing more than all the nows that are no longer now.  

Thus, the difference between now and then is when.

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